Sunday, September 6, 2015

Spoonie Sunday Series: A Failed Introduction

It is only fitting that this post is seriously impacted by a severe lack of spoons.  Last night, I was feeling adventurous, and allowed myself a bowl of popcorn (high fiber) and some tasty korean pork dumplings (high fat), only to wake up in the middle of the night ill => translates into uncontrollable vomiting until several different forms of anti-emetics were combined.

Today that means I am drinking gatorade and ensure, and giving my stomach a rest.

Today that means I had to cancel my fun labor day weekend plans, so that I can lay on the couch.

Today that  means I won't be able to piece together the post I have been outlining about spoon theory.

I just don't have enough spoons for this post.

Until then you can read about the "Spoon Theory" here:  But You Don't Look Sick

See you next week for another Spoonie Sunday, where I will address Spoon Theory and some of the responses I have faced living with a chronic illness.

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